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Interesting idea, it's hard to imagine how the difficulty increases exponentially when you have multiple puzzles


This is some of the most fun I've had with a puzzle game in a while. Hope you make more of this, I'd happily pay for a larger game with more levels, I just want to see where you'd take the concept.


i love it, i want it to have more levels

cute and clever :D would like to see more challenging levels


I love it :D tho the most of the levels was kinda easy!

nice! loved the level design, especially the introduction of mechanics like double stacked blocks.

Very nice idea and realization. Keep developing this game, and I sure that will be a succesful project.

Fun super Sokoban game!


this game is good, but sometimes I forget where the floor and the block are 


It was a very fun game but I wish there were more levels

only complaint is that its sometimes  not clear if a block is double stacked

This is a very clever game!  Really adds a fresh twist to sokoban :-)

Lovely! <3

Awesome game!


Really cute little brain stretch!  I like the music effects!


very good game scared the crap out of me when I lost.

 I had lots of fun playing


awesome graphics with very simple mechanics, the difficulty is also user-friendly so anyone can casually play the game!


Wow... The style is really cool, the progression is great.


so simple and funny, good levels and nice mechanics. Nice game!


fun, tiny little game.. some levels are easier than the one before them.. but still really cool.. the first video game I've ever played was something with similar mechanics.. and I couldn't solve anything...kinda took me back.. lol I was so stupid..

(1 edit) (+3)

fun little game and a nice proof of concept, could be harder. I also struggled with the perspective on level ten so maybe add numbering or colors to tell how high the blocks are stacked?


very nice game 


nice game for 30 minutes before exam :3


I really need this game for my brain, thanks :)


Level editor?

(1 edit)




A fun concept with good presentation, but I never found the levels particularly challenging.

I want to play more levels

Super game, I love it <3


Extremely clever puzzle game with just the right amount of difficulty (at least, for me) I do think that puzzle 9 was extremely easy (Unless I cheesed it accidentally?) but otherwise, all of the other puzzles were quite smart, and puzzle 10 was quite nice. It really highlighted the skills needed for this game, being able to set things up lol


Game is great, but visual style is not good for me. Can you add an option to disable pixel post processing?

Sorry if I ask, I’m just curious. How does the pixel post processing negatively affect your experience with the game? Do you say it because of accessibility or just preference?

(1 edit) (+1)

I just don't really like pixel art games, especially in 3D :)  I grew up in the 2000s, and I was tired of these graphics on old consoles, so now I prefer other visual styles))


Cool game, particularly the style and the engine! It reminded me of the puzzle game English Country Tune, which I recommend.

The puzzles themselves were really straightforward, and I didn't have to grapple with any contradictions. So they were a bit tedious.

I had trouble gauging height at some points. Being able to wiggle the camera a bit with the mouse would have helped.

That is so AWESOME.
I ♥ Puzzle game

can you release the code so we can modify and add levels etc. Github it

Si te gustan los rompecabezas y los juegos cortos con los que ir un paso más allá, este MAKE NEW WAY te va a gustar. Tienes que conseguir montar 10 puzzles moviendo las piezas en un determinado orden para conseguir realizar una ruta determinada... ¿Serás capaz de conseguirlos todos?

hmmm i remember playing this game a few years ago. why didn't i leave a comment?

fun though

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